10 Reasons I Love Being a Girl

There’s a lot of girls who don’t enjoy being a girl.

And there’s a lot of people who don’t like the feminine gender.

They make us feel like we aren’t valuable or don’t have any quality in us. They’ll tell us we’re made to look pretty but be silent.

I know to some extent woman or girls are meant to submit. To follow the lead of the men in their lives. Whether a father or a husband.

However there is a certain pride I take for being a girl. I recognize my duties but there are some definite things that I enjoy about being a girl.

And I believe we have the right to be proud of being a girl.

Before I get into this post I want to say that to they guys reading this, I am not saying girls or woman are any better than you. In fact I do realize that God made guys in the image of Himself and that woman are created in the image of man. So please, don’t get offended by this. 🙂

1. I’m feminine.

I have the complete ability to love everything from lace and makeup to decorating and caring for my house. I am made with a girly mind and spirit. I enjoy music an dance more than racing and sports. I have a very feminine mindset, along with a feminine soul. God made me His little girl. He didn’t make me to protect my family and be accountable to Him for everything that my whole family did. I am accountable for myself still but I can just sit on His knee and be God’s little girl.

2. People appreciate my beauty.

I find this sometimes annoying. How much girls spend on their outer beauty causes me to sometimes get annoyed. I’m not saying that I don’d do my hair, or wear makeup, or even spend time choosing my outfits. I merely think that girls spend to much time thinking about what others think when they see her. Though it does catch me by surprise that people notice a girls beauty (inner and outer) seemingly quicker than they notice a guys strength.

And just like my choice of words, these things do differ. Girls with their beauty on the inside and outside and guys with strength in their souls and hearts.

3. Quiet strength.

As I just mentioned people notice a girls beauty and a guys strength. In many ways this is true. But girls also have strength.

It may not be as prominent but girls have strength too. We have emotional strength, girls are used to feeling very emotional. And also our emotions are very deep down. We find strength in these emotions, especially once we realize that we aren’t alone. After we get control over these emotions we can handle a lot of things that guys might shut down over.

And we can also always tell when something has hurt someone, or when someone is saying they’re fine but really aren’t. Guys however, sometimes don’t notice they’ve done something or said something. And they may not think it’s such a big deal if the person tells them.

So we have quiet strength, mostly in our emotions.

4. Gentle spirit.

You’ve probably noticed. We aren’t exactly “hit the guy that hurt you” people. We tend to talk things out, or in some cases video call and work stuff out that way.

We also don’t generally fight our friends, we don’t try to be the strongest or “manliest”. Instead we’re gentle. Normally. We’ll be found doing something quieter and we’re always sensitive. It doesn’t matter whether the girl is an athlete or a dancer, we are always sensitive to the people around us.

5. Being protected.

It’s the mans job to protect us. If we’re meant to submit then they have to be a good head. They have to lead us with good decisions. And protect us with a good heart. I enjoy being protected however. Knowing that for the rest of my life God will put people in my life that will stand before Him and be accountable for my family means a lot to me.

Of course, I don’t let the weight leave my shoulders. I still am accountable for my own actions and I still strive to be better everyday. But having those people being my protecter makes me feel safe. Which makes sense. 😃

6. Best friends.

Ok. This one’s a little weird to say the least. But guys, they take action. They play sports with their friends or just talk while they’re doing something else. Obviously they talk, they sit down for coffee and just visit, but for the most part this isn’t seen to much. And if they do that, they talk about work. Which is weird. 😂

But girls talk for hours. And we cover everything, from work to food to fashion. We sit there drinking coffee and can be there for the whole afternoon and evening. And we never get bored either.

7. Soft heart.

I have to admit that sometimes I’m envious of guys, especially when violence and disturbing things come up.

Girls tend to be soft hearted. They hate seeing anything being mistreated, even a plant or tree or anything. Especially animals it seems. We hate conflict between people and animals, even if it’s normal for the things to fight. I remember we used to have two cats who were always fighting. It would bother me so much. My dad never seemed bothered by it that much.

We hate seeing, hearing, witnessing or being a part of any kind of conflict. And when something like that comes up, we immediately want to fix it.

8. Love languages.

While guys tend to not care about love languages, girls are the opposite. Guys might appreciate someone doing a job for them. Girls, sure, they might like that too but we enjoy a word. An action.

A simple text everyday, even if it just says hey. Or a message that tells us what the person has been up to goes a long way for us. Someone taking some time to tell us hello or I love you.

When we make friends, we want those people to keep in touch with us. Not just dissolve any conflict and disappear. We need connection, and we cannot live without people coming to us and talking. Because we’ll hide away from the world if we have to do everything to keep in touch.

9. I’m a helper.

In Genesis God tells Adam that woman will be a helper to men.

I love knowing that we do have a very important role. Man, without woman was not complete. And every girl has that gift, that we can compete a guy. It’s a huge gift to us, also full of responsibility. But in a world where we are not looked at equally sometimes, it’s a huge excitement that we have a greater purpose than looking pretty.

10. God created me this way.

This is pretty self explanatory.

God knows best. He knew that I would be born here and in this family and that I would be a girl.

And I’m thankful for that.



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